I was thinking to re-publish an old text yesterday about my father leaving this Earth. As much as I love that text and as much as those feelings and learnings are very much alive within me, this year it is clear how this day became a deep celebration for me.
As many have shared, this time of year is about the connection, awareness, conscious recognition and acknowledgement of the ones that walked before us. It is about recognising that torch of light that we have received and choosing what do do with it. It is about remembering, daring to open up the heart, feel the love and pain of missing loved ones and strengthening that channel in between the worlds.
It is also a time of truth, of the veil dropping, and of the chance to step up, stand in front and be in relationship with ourselves and the world around us in a way it is not always easy. And the truth… the truth is not always comfortable. It asks us to feel, to be able to bear the parts which we may not always like, to challenge our perception, give up the safe story and look deeper within so we could grow.
If there’s one thing I cannot stand is ‘saving someone from the truth’. It is not the truth that hurts - is the actions, behaviours, conditions, thoughts, words spoken and the lack of it.
It takes courage to be any one of us. But that courage and that truth come with great rewards. Not to be perfect, but to learn from our imperfections, pains and longings and to make clear choices about our directions.
Here I am, realising I wrote something completely different than I imagined, feeling the change, the truth within me as well as the places where I, as anyone else, need to grow.
And the cards… oh the cards are an amazing gift of one of my dear sisters, a reminder of the wisdom within and around, a support to get in that connection with the more subtle realms and to get guidance how to celebrate this life and love ourselves enough to feel worthy of its beauty.
For All Our Relations