(For English please see below)
Dvodnevno putovanje energetske aktivacije i utjelovljenog pokreta
Vode: Barbara Jukopila i Kaya T. Sertic
12. i 13.10.2024.
Trakošćan, HR
S velikim uzbuđenjem vas želimo pozvati na ovaj dvodnevni event AWAKENING ABUNDANCE / BUĐENJE OBILJA koji će se održati uživo.
Pridružite nam se na vikendu osnaživanja u kojemu ćemo se posvetiti otključavanju i primanju punine obilja u svakom aspektu života.
Tokom dva dana u predivnom Trakošćanu (HR), zaroniti ćemo duboko u esenciju obilja kroz čitav niz obogaćujićih praksi i moćnih tehnika.
Evo što te čeka:
- Transformativni vikend energetskog poravnavanja i plesne prakse Movement Medicine:
Osjeti i otključaj ustajalu energiju, pročisti energetske, emocionalne i mentalne puteve i otvori se utjelovljenom iskustvu podrške i hranjivosti, slobodne, ispunjenja i obilja
- Duboka meditacija i kodovi obilja
Iskusi duboke meditacije stvorene da te povežu s kodovima obilja koji podižu energetsku frekcenciju i poravnavaju nas s pravim blagostanjem
- Utjelovljeni pokret i psihodinamičke vježbe
Upusti se u duboki ples i pokret koji će te podržati da utjeloviš - dovedeš u vlastito tijelo - obilje, i da otpustiš iz njega stare programe koji ti mogu stajati na putu do blagostanja
- Rituali čišćenja i iscjeljenja
Nauči kako pronaći i otpustiti zastarjela uvjerenja i obrasce koji su te sprečavali da primaš i stvaraš obilje u svom životu
- Otvaranje svog srca i kanala za primanje
Otkrij tehnike kako otvorti svoje srce i energetske kanale, kako otvoriti snažan protok za primanje obilja u svoj svakodnevni život
-Poravnanje sa vlastitom zvijezdom koja te vodi
Poveži se s unutarnjim vodstvom i svrhom svoje duše kako bi se mogao/mogla poravnati s novom energijom vlastite moći koja je u skladu s tvojom najdubljom svrhom
Ova radionica nudi prostor unikatnog spoja energetskog rada, plesa, rada s utjelovljenim pokretom i mentalnom jasnoćom, i tako daje holistički pristup da se obilje može iskusiti na svim razinama.
Pripremi se za putovanje nakon kojeg ćeš se osjećati osnaženo, obogaćeno i duboko povezano s neograničenim obiljem koje te okružuje.
Mjesta su ograničena, a ako je jedno tvoje, molimo te da potvrdiš sudjelovanje čim prije možeš.
Veselimo se da ćemo podijeliti s tobom ovaj sveti prostor i svjedočiti tvom sjaju i transformaciji.
Raditi ćemo tokom dva dana u prekrasnom prostoru u Trakošćanu, i to u vikendu 12. I 13.10.2024.
Subota (12.10.2024.), 9.00 -17.00 ( s pauzom za ručak od 1.5h)
Nedjelja (13.10.2024), 9.00 - 16.00 (s pauzom za ručak od 1 sat)
Raditi ćemo u predivnom prostoru Hotela Trakošćan.
Postoji i opcija da prenoćite koja se zasebno plaća, ili da sami organizirate smještaj, ovisno o vašim željama i potrebama.
Puna cijena za ovo dvodnevno putovanje je 177€
Za rane prijave (do 1. listopada 2024) cijena je 144€
(moguće je platiti u dvije rate)
*10% popusta za članove iste obitelji i parove
U cijenu su uključeni sav program te snack oba dna. U cijenu nisu uključeni put, hrana i smještaj.
Ako želite prenoćiti u hotelu Trakošćan, možete bukirati smještaj:
- jednokrevetna soba 80€
- dvokrevetna soba 90€
* + 1.50€ boravišna taksa
*** obje opcije UKLJUČUJU doručak i wellness program (bazen i sauna)
*** postoji i mogućnost ručka u hotelu, po cijeni 20€
Mjesta su ograničena i prijave su otvorene do 10 .listopada, ili do popunjenja grupe.
Prijava je potpuna po ispunjavanju prijavnice na sljedećem linku:
I plaćanja 50€ nepovratnog pologa (ili uplatom pune cijene)
(Info o uplati stiže na mail po ispunjavanju prijavnice).
Barbara and Kaya su dugogodišnje prijateljice, kolegice te ogromna inspiracija i resurs jedna drugog.
Njihove specifičnost u podršci drugima se spajaju u vrijednostima, posvećenosti praksi, dubokoj znatiželji, i više od svega prostoru srca i ljubavi prema životu.
Okus njihovog spoja i prostor koji nude je onaj s puno radosti i dubine, lakoće i smijeha, izazova s resursima i podrškom i podržavajućeg i sigurnog prostora za ljude da stanu u svoju snagu i sjaje punim sjajem.
A Two-Day Journey of Energetic Activation and Embodied Movement
With Barbara Jukopila & Kaya T. Sertic
12.&13.October, 2024.
Trakoscan, Croatia
We are so excited to invite you for an in-person event: AWAKENING ABUNDANCE.
Join us for an empowering weekend dedicated to unlocking and embracing the fullness of
abundance in every aspect of your life.
Over the two days, in beautiful Trakošćan (Croatia) we will delve deeply into the essence of
abundance through a series of enriching practices and powerful techniques.
Here’s what you can expect:
- A Transformative Weekend of Energetic Alignment and Movement Medicine Dance:
Feel and unlock the stagnant energy, clear the energetic, emotional and mental pathways and open up for embodied experience of nourishment, freedom, fullflilment and abundance
- Immersive Meditation and Abundance Codes:
Experience profound meditation sessions designed to connect you with abundance codes that
will elevate your energetic frequency and align you with your true prosperity
- Embodied Movement and Psychodinamic exercise
Engage in dynamic dance and movement practices that will help you physically embody
abundance, releasing old programming and patterns that may be blocking your path to
- Clearing and Healing rituals
Learn how to identify and clear outdated beliefs and patterns that have been hindering your
ability to receive and manifest abundance in your life
- Opening Your Heart and Channel to recive
Discover techniques to open your heart and energy channels, creating a powerful flow for
welcoming more abundance into your everyday experience
-Align Yourself with your guiding star
Reconnect with your inner guidance and your soul’s purpose in this life to align the new energy of your own power with your deepest purpose
This workshop offers a unique blend of energetic work, dance, body movement, and mental clarity, providing a holistic approach to experiencing abundance at all levels
Prepare to embark on a journey that will leave you feeling renewed, empowered, and deeply
connected to the boundless abundance that surrounds you.
Spaces are limited, so please confirm your participation at your earliest convenience. We are
excited to share this sacred space with you and witness your radiant transformation.
We will be working over two days in a beautiful venue in Trakoscan over the weekend October 12-13, 2024
Saturday (October 12), 9.00 -17.00 (with 1.5h lunch break)
Sunday (October 13, 9.00 - 16.00 (with 1 hour lunch break)
We will be working in a beautiful space of Hotel Trakošćan.
There is an option to spend a night at the hotel for extra cost, or organize your own accommodation according to your desires and needs.
Full price for this two-day journey is 177€
For early applications (until October 1, 2024), price is 144€
(possible to pay in 2 installments)
*10% reduced price for family members and couples available
Price includes the cost of program and a snack for both days.
Travel, food and accommodation are not included.
If you wish to spend a night in our venue, you can book
- single room for 80€
- double room for 90€
* + 1.50€ tax per night
*** both options INCLUDE breakfast and wellness program (swimming pool and sauna)
*** there is also a possibility for lunch at the hotel, the cost is 20€
Spaces are limited and applications are open until October 1, or until the group is full.
Application is complete after filling out the form through the link:
and paying 50€ nonrefundable deposit or paying full price.
(Info on deposit after filling out the form).
Barbara and Kaya have been friends, colleagues and mutual inspiration and resource for many years. Their two unique medicines connect in the values, dedication to practice, deep curiosity and above all heart space and love towards life.
The flavour of their connection and the space they offer is the one of a lot of joy and depth, ease and laughter, challenge with resource and support, and loving, strong safe space for people to step in their power and shine their light.
Barbara Jukopila is a Shakti Meditation Teacher, 500h certified multi-style yoga teacher, and international retreat leader.
She is the creator of Shakti Meditation Squad, an online membership for soul growth and dream life creation.
Barbara’s unwavering mission is to empower women to manifest and live their desired lives through ancient knowledge, techniques, and tools. She offers online courses, challenges, and private mentorship for women ready for a significant transformation.
Barbara’s passion is helping women rise and live their best possible lives. She can help them ignite their inner fire and discover the changes that will make their hearts sing. She is one of the co-authors of an international best-selling book, “Children of the New Earth”
She is a Croatian, living most of the year on the Pacific shore of Costa Rica, in the surf town Santa Teresa, with her baby boy Niko and her soulmate John. During the rainy season, every year, she travels back to her roots, beautiful Croatia.
Kaya has been working as a body-oriented psychotherapist, Movement Medicine dance teacher and ceremony leader, mentor and lecturer, holding workshops, ceremonies, trainings, intensive programs and retreats in Croatia and around the world for many years.
Through a variety of different therapeutic, shamanic and dance practices, initiations, explorations and personal experience, the essence of her work is to bring possibilities of empowerment, healing and resourcing, as well as a sense of purpose, dignity and love to the challenges of today's world.
She had the honour to train and learn from many incredible teachers over the world, including learning from indigenous teachers of the Americas. Her own practice has and personal path have always been a pillar for all of her work. She is deeply curious about us human beings and passionate about living a fulfilled life, aligned with who we are and our purpose. For her, that means to use the time we have to do the best we can with what we’ve got, including each other. She is a passionate advocate for empowerment of Life on Earth in all its exquisite forms, compassion and interconnection, growth through our hearts as a community while lifting each other up.