Thursday, July 11, 2024.
with: Kaya T. Sertic (CRO) i Reuben Darling Khan (UK)
This talk is open for anyone interested. Applications needed. (Link for applications at the bottom)
The talk will be in English with Croatian translation
Dear all, at this month's talk we will have a guest - my dear friend Reuben who I will be leading with two dance evenings in July on the coast of Croatia.
Both Reuben and I are passionate advocates for healthy living, for ancient wisdom that has been lost in contemporary world and for modern wisdom important for our well-being.
We have spent a lot of time together in ceremonies, and both of us have been learning for many years from the lineages of the Americas.
Whether it is dance ceremonies, plant medicine ceremonies cacao ceremonies, or other, ceremonies themselves are incredibly important support and compass in our lives.
What are actually ceremonies? What is their purpose? Why are they important for a modern world and how to integrate them in our daily lives?
In the last few years the presence of ceremonies in the western world has been growing, but often without connection to tradition or without awareness of the power, beauty, integrity or possible consequences.
In this evening we will be talking about:
- what is ceremony
- importance of tradition
- plant medicine and weight lifting - (how) do these two go together?
- importance of holistic approach to wellbeing
- shadows of modern spirituality
This talk is a result of our personal and professional experiences, and it is our desire to share what we know with the intention to support well-being, health and holistic approach to life in modern world.
This talk is not 'the truth', but a space for critical thinking as well as sharing our perspectives.
This talk is open for anyone interested
There will also be a guided meditation and space for questions.
As always, application is needed :)
You can apply through application on the link after which you will receive zoom link at your email inbox.
For any questions and additional information you can contact me at
*** And as always, please share with everyone who you may be interested in this topic ***
Četvrtak, 11.7.2024.
vodi: Kaya T. Sertic i Reuben Darling Khan (UK)
Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane uz prethodnu prijavu. (Link za prijavu na dnu)
Predavanje će biti na engleskom sa hrvatskim prijevodom.
Dragi svi, na ovom otvorenom predavanju imamo gosta - mog dragog prijatelja s kojim vodim dvije plesne večeri u srpnju na Mosoru i Istri.
I Reuben i ja strastveni smo zagovornici zdravog života, drevnih mudrosti koje su se izgubile u suvremenom društvu, i modernih mudrosti koje su važne za zdrav život.
Dugi niz godina zajedno smo u ceremonijama, a oboje i dugi niz godina učimo u tradicijama Sjeverne i Južne Amerike.
Radilo se o ceremoniji sa svetim biljkama, plesnim ceremonijama, cacao ceremoniji ili nekoj drugoj, ceremonije imaju važnu funkciju u našim životima i služe nam kao podrška i kompas.
No što su to zapravo ceremonije, čemu služe, zašto su važne za naš suvremeni svijet i kako integrirati različite aspekte života, uključujući i ovaj u svakodnevicu - o tome se često vrlo malo govori.
Istovremeno, u zadnjih nekoliko godina, ova znanja šire se zapadnim svijetom često bez poznavanja tradicije, ili svjesnosti o moći, ljepoti, integritetu ili mogućim posljedicama.
Na predavanju ćemo se baviti:
- što su to ceremonije
- važnost (pozdnavanja) tradicije
- medicina s biljkama i dizanje utega - ide li jedno s drugim?
- važnost holističkog pristupa zdravlju
- sjedne moderne duhovnosti
Ovo predavanje skup je naših osobnih i profesionalnih iskustava i želje da približimo ono što mi znamo po pitanju zdravog i cjelovitog života u modernom društvu. Ono nije 'the istina', nego prostor za razmišljanje i ponuda nekih perspektiva.
Predavanje je otvoreno za sve zainteresirane.
U sklopu predavanja biti će i vođena meditacija i prostor za pitanja.
Kao i uvijek, potrebna je prijava.
Za prijavu je potrebno ispuniti prijavnicu a nakon toga na mail će vam stići link za zoom:
Za dodatna pitanja možete se javiti na info@movewithkaya.com
*** I kao i uvijek, slobodno podijelite sa svima zainteresiranima! ***