Dear All,
with disappointment (and a true mixture of many other emotions) I need to let you know that our Winter Re(Treat) Into the Mystic needed to be cancelled due to Covid reasons and the rapid growth of the people being ill or self isolated in the last 10 days.
In the process of making that decision, I have luckily remembered the name of the course, Into the Mystics and dig deeper until I reach that place of trust and ease in letting go. And for sure for many of us letting go is not an easy task. Learning to find that spot within me when to push and when to let go, when is it resistance outside or when is it life force showing me to go the other way at the moment, it is for sure for everyone us a journey to learn. In that process I was also reminded of the goodness that has come many many times after that.
On many levels this retreat feels to me like it has already happened, dreaming it for many years, creating it, planning, organizing, up to the moment of landing. I am grateful for all the people included in the process of bringing this vision here and am sure that all of our energy together made a blueprint that will hold the space for the winter 2022 when Inshallah we will be able to do this work in this way.
Integrative body-oriented therapy, Movement Medicine dance practice, and other creative and expressive practices
With Kaya Tamara Sertic, mag. phil, body-oriented psychotherapist, teacher and facilitator of Movement Medicine
November 13-19 2021.
Fužine, Croatia
*this event will be bilingual (english and croatian)
Creating a personal spiritual practice in your everyday life
Spirit and Body. So mundane and simple, and yet so sacred and subtle. How can we in this material life, in these crazy times we live in find that balance between inner space, connection with something bigger than us, our existence as spiritual beings and daily human, simple, very practical obligations and responsibilities? How can we connect to other aspects of our existence, explore what it means to be spiritual, make that part of us alive and show up in the world around us? How can we discover and follow our life's journey if we have not been given the tools and guidance for it?
The split between the spirit and body (matter), the separation of these two aspects of our lives go more than a few centuries back in history - spirituality started belonging to religions and the body stayed in the daily material world carrying many burdens of the western contemporary society.
We grow up through the western schooling systems that show us what is 'good life, good job, and good future'. We absorb information that someone once thought are relevant and we make it a part of our belief system, the same belief system that brings all of us human beings in 21. century to a lot of pain, separation from (our) nature, inability to live within the existing socio-economic and political structures, depression, anxiety, frustration, to following values that often go along with the feeling that nothing makes sense or that we are in some way unworthy. I do not wish to say that our contemporary society does not have its beautiful aspects - we have come a long way as a species, we have grown, built, changed, and set in motion. At the same time, without truly knowing ourselves, our sense of purpose, without being recognized, needed and appreciated in our communities, without being connected with the world around us and contributing to it personally and professionally, we are living a life in which our spirit knocks on our doors and awaits for us to live our lives fully and whole.
Exactly here, exactly at this moment, we are starting to understand the need for something deeper. Exactly at this moment, we as a society are starting to call the spiritual practices back into our lives - sometimes carefully and at others loud and strong. The fears of spirituality becoming dogmatic, of not trusting what we feel, and not knowing what to follow make us long for those parts of ourselves even more. We long to be spiritual in a safe, grounded, open and relaxed way.
On this winter retreat that will be our focus - exploring your own spirituality, your inner guidance, and your connection to the spirit world in a grounded and supportive way. We will be inquiring into more subtle aspects of our existence and how to integrate it in our daily life. We will be learning how to listen to your inner guidance, how to live your passion being connected with the sky and the earth, and with your own purpose.
Some of the areas of our focus will be:
- body and flow of energy as a ground to a sense of self, sense of the world, and subtle dimensions
- heart, emotions, and navigation through personal emotional processes as a gateway to self-realization
- sensitivity and perception
- connecting to your inner guidance
- energy work
- working with dreams and visions
- inquiring your purpose
- creating a personal spiritual practice
On this retreat you can learn how to:
1. open your perception in an embodied way
2. make a connection to your inner guidance
3. navigate through personal projections and transference regarding both material and spirit plane
4. empower your boundaries in order to welcome feelings and sensitivity in a safe way
5. live consciously in connection to more subtle dimensions of our existence
6. work with your dreams and visions7
. follow your deeper purposeand much more.
As a part of (re)treat we will have 3 evening sessions together:
1. Movement Medicine dance ceremony
2. Story-telling evening – time to share our stories around the fire
3. Community sharing where we will give space for you to sing, play, act, do slam poetry, performance…)
We will be using:
• Contemporary shamanic dance practice Movement Medicine
• Practices of Body-oriented Psychotherapy
• Indigenous practices (perception of spirituality, energy work, and awareness, dream work, connection with nature, community, and interconnection)
• Music, playing, and singing
This retreat does not ask any specific belief, but your own embodied experience and the meaning you will choose to give it yourself. No previous experience is needed to participate, but there will be a short interview for the participants who have not yet worked with me.
We will be working in a big hall of Community Center Fužine
We start on Saturday, November 13 at 5pm and finish on Friday, November 19th at 12.30pm.During retreat sessions will be in two parts – morning (10am - 1pm) and afternoon (3.00pm - 6.00pm).
Lunch break 1pm - 3 pm
We will also have few evening sessions (1.5-2 hours) and a longer session for the dance ceremony,
250€ (1875kn) for application until October 15th 2021
300€ (2250kn) for application until November 1st 2021
350€ (2625kn) for application after November 1st 2021Price includes the program, but travel food and accommodation are paid separately. It is possible to pay in 3 installments.
Also, there are 3 crew places. Price for the crew is 60% of the retreat depending on the time of application.
If you would like to participate, but cannot pay the full price, you can contact me via email, there are 3 supported places available.
*In case of cancelation of this event by organizers all payments will be refunded in full in 14 days.
*In case of last-minute cancelation by participants due to covid, the participants will also be fully refunded.
You can apply through the application on the link and paying the nonrefundable 55€ deposit. After filling out the application you will receive payment info on your email.
Accomodation is not included in the price of the retreat and it is payed extra. We are staying at Fužinarska kuća with 3 meals per day, Price for food & accommodation is:225 € (shared room, 3 people)265 € (double room)328 € (single room)
For questions and additional information about the retreat you can contact me at
Really looking forward to this, welcome to our circle!
Integrativna tjelesno-orijentirana terapija, plesna praksa Movement Medicine i druge prakse
Vodi: Kaya Tamara Sertić, mag phil. , terapeutkinja tjelesno orijentirane psihoterapije, učiteljica plesne prakse Movement Medicine
Fužine, Gorski Kotar
*ovaj događaj biti će dvojezičan (hrvatski i engleski)
Stvaranje vlastite duhovne prakse u svojoj svakodnevici
Duh i tijelo. Svakodnevno, svjetovno, a opet sveto i suptilno. Kako u ovom materijalnom životu, kako u ovom ludom vremenu u kojemu živimo pronaći taj balans između unutarnjih prostora, povezanosti s nečim većim od nas, našeg postojanja kao duhovnih bića i ovozemljskih, konkretnih, ljudskih, vrlo prizemnih obaveza i odgovornosti? Kako se povezati s drugim aspektima svog postojanja, istražiti ono što za nas znači duhovnost, (o)živjeti to u sebi i biti u odnosu s postojećim svijetom u kojem se nalazimo? Kako otkriti i kako pratiti svoj životni put ako nam nisu dani alati i vodstvo za to?
Rascjep između duha i tijela, odvojenost ova dva aspekta našeg života u zapadnome svijetu seže unazad preko nekoliko stoljeća - duhovnost je pripala religijama, a tijelo ostalo u svakodnevnome, materijalnome svijetu noseći razne terete zapadnog suvremenog društva.
I tako odrastamo u školskim klupama učeči ono što je ‘važno za dobar život, dobar posao, dobru budućnost’, upijajući informacije koje je netko nekada odlučio da su važne i pounutrujući sustav vrijednosti koji nas sve zajedno dovodi do strmoglave boli 21. stoljeća, otuđenja od (svoje) prirode, od nemogućnosti snalaženja u postojećim sustavima, depresija, anksioznosti, izgubljenosti, frustracija, praćenja vrijednosti koje smo preuzeli sa ponekad ogromnom rupom osjećaja besmisla ili pak nevrijednosti. Daleko od toga da suvremeno društvo nema svojih predivnih strana, da nismo napredovali kao ljudska vrsta, narasli, izgradili, promijenili i pokrenuli. Jesmo. Ali, bez poznavanja sebe, svoje svrhe i bez da smo prepoznati u svojim zajednicama u tome, bez da smo povezani sa svijetom oko sebe, bez da doprinosimo smisleno na osobnom i profesionalnom planu ovome svijetu je život u kojemu naš duh kuca na vrata i čeka da ga naučimo svjesno živjeti ne možemo živjeti cjelovito.
I upravo ovdje počinjemo razumjeti da postoji potreba za nečim dubljim i počinjemo kao društvo pozivati duhovne prakse da se vrate u naš život, ponekad oprezno i suptilno, ponekad gromoglasno i silovito.
I pod strahom da duhovnost postane dogmatična, pod brigom da ne vjerujemo onome što osjećamo, da ne znamo što pratimo, čeznemo da naučimo kako živjeti taj dio sebe uzemljeno, sigurno, otvoreno i opušteno.
Na ovom zimskom retreatu naglasak će biti upravo na tome – istraživanju vlastite duhovnosti, unutarnjeg vodstva i povezivanja s duhovnim svijetom na utjelovljen način koji nas podržava. Bavit ćemo se suptilnim aspektima svojeg postojanja i kako ih integrirati u svakodnevni život. Naučit ćemo kako slušati vlastito vodstvo da živimo svoju individualnosti strast, istovremeno povezani s nebeskim, i zemaljskim, materijalnim svijetom te svojom svrhom koliko nam je poznata.
Neke od područja kojima ćemo se baviti su:
- tijelo i protok kao osnova za osjećanje sebe, svijeta i suptilnih razina
- srce, emocije i navigiranje vlastitim emocionalnim procesima kao vrata za samorealizaciju
- osjetilnost i percepcija
- upoznavanje vlastitog unutarnjeg vodstva
- energetski rad i rad s energetsko-tjelesnim tokovima
- povezivanje vlastitog duha s osobom (egom) koja jesmo u svakodnevici
- rad sa snovima i vizijama
- istraživanje vlastite svrhe
- stvaranje vlastite duhovne praske
- …
Na ovom retreatu naučit ćete kako:
1. otvoriti vlastitu percepciju na utjelovljen način
2. uspostaviti odnos s vlastitim unutarnjim vodstvom
3. navigirati vlastitim projekcijama i transferima u poimanju materijalnog i duhovnog svijeta
4. kako osnažiti vlastite granice da možemo dopustiti osjećajnost i osjetilnost
5. živjeti suptilnije, energetske dimenzije postojanja svjesno
6. raditi s vlastitim snovima i vizijama
7. pratiti dublju svrhu
i još mnogo toga.
U sklopu (re)treata imati ćemo i tri zajedniče večeri:
1. Movement Medicine plesna ceremonija
2. Story-telling – vrijeme gdje međusobno dijelimo osobne priče oko vatre
3. Community sharing gdje ćete oni koji žele moći izvesti nešto (pjevanje, sviranje, gluma, slam poetry, performans…)
· Prakse koje ćemo koristiti:
· plesna praksa Movement Medicine
· prakse tjelesno-orijentirane terapije
· prakse Amazone (percepcija duhovnosti, energetski rad, rad sa snovima, povezivanje s prirodom i duhovnim svijetom, međupovezanost u zajednici)
· glazba, zajedničko sviranje i pjevanje
Ovaj retreat ne traži nikakvo određeno vjerovanje nego vlastito utjelovljeno iskustvo i značenje koje ćemo mu mi sami dati.
Za sudjelovanje nije potrebno prethodno iskustvo uz napomenu da postoji intervju za one koji nisu još radili sa mnom.
Raditi ćemo u Velikoj dvorani Doma kulture Fužine.
Prvi dan (13.11. subota) počinjemo s radom u 17h, a zadnji dan (19.11., petak) završavamo u 12.30 sati
Vrijeme održavanja sessiona biti će od 10 do 13 te 15.00 do 18h.
Pauza za ručak biti će od 13.00 do 15.00.
Večernji sessioni biti će u trajanju od 1.5 ili 2h osim plesne ceremonije koja će trajati duže.
250e (1875kn) za prijave do 15.10.2021
300e (2250kn) za prijave do 1.11.2021.
350e (2625kn) za prijave od 2.11.2021.
Cijena uključuje program, a smještaj, hrana i put su odvojeni.
Moguće je plaćanje u 3 rate.
Postoje i 3 mjesta u radnom timu. Za radni tim cijena je 60% cijene ovisno o trenutku prijave.
Ukoliko želite sudjelovati, a niste u mogućnosti platiti puni iznos, javite mi mailom na, postoje 2 podržana mjesta.
*U slučaju otkazivanja događaja od strane organizatora sve uplate biti će vraćene unutar 14 dana
*U slučaju last minute otkazivanja uzrokovanog covidom od strane sudionika, organizator će također vratiti puni iznos
Prijava je važeća nakon što ispunite prijavnicu te uplatite nepovratnu akontaciju u iznosu od 400kn. Informacije za uplatu pologa dobit ćete po ispunjenoj prijavnici
Prijavnicu možete ispuniti ovdje:
Smještaj se plaća odvojeno, a smješteni smo u Fužinarskoj kući sa punim pansionom (3 obroka dnevno).
Cijena za smještaj i hranu je
1680kn / trokrevetna soba
1980kn / dvokrevetna soba
2460kn / jednokrevetna soba
Ukoliko želite biti smješteni u vlastitom aranžmanu, moguća je i ta opcija.
Za sve dodatneinformacije možete se javiti na