Reka Življenja je močna. Premika nas, odpira, teče skozi nas, z nami in nam pomaga sijati v vsej svoji lepoti. Je najmočnejša sila v nas. Ko smo usklajeni s to silo v nas, se počutimo edinstveno. Povezani smo s svojo prvinsko naravo, srcem in sledimo svoji poti. In pogosto nam pomaga odstraniti ovire, ki stojijo na poti. Ta življenjska sila je dostopna vsakemu izmed nas, da se z njo povežemo, da ji dovolimo, da nas hrani in oživlja naš vsakdan.
V tem ritualu se bomo preko plesa povezali s to življensko silo v nas. Preko različnih Movement Medicine praks se bomo povezali s tem, kar nas podpira in povezuje z energijo, ki je zaklenjena v nas in ki se želi izraziti in osvoboditi. Povezali se bomo s telesom, srcem in umom in priklicali še dušo, da se še malo bolj povežemo s tem svetom. V plesu bomo zaprosili tudi za vodstvo pri nadaljnjih korakih.
Na delavnico lahko pride vsak, ki si želi plesati, predhodna izkustva niso potrebna. Namen rituala je neposredna izkušnja plesa in pomen, ki ga daste tej izkušnji.
O Movement Medicine:
MM je plesna praksa, ki izhaja iz različnih starodavnih šamanskih tradicij širom sveta. Preko neposredne izkušnje in prepuščanja telesa ritmu in naravnemu gibanju, dajemo naši prvinski naravi prostor, da se izrazi. Tako se srečamo s tem, kar je živo, resnično in večno v nas. MM praksa odpira prostor starodavnim znanjem, ki nam v sodobnem svetu pomagajo in podpirajo, da si dovolimo biti bolj pošteni, resnični in živi.
O Kayi:
Kaya je zaposlena kot integritetna telesno orientirana psihoterapevtka in učiteljica MM v Centru Meleta v Zagrebu. Center so skupaj s tremi prijateljicami ustanovile leta 2013.
Kaya že več kot 10 let vodi telesno orientirano psihoterapijo, tako individualno kot s skupinami odraslih in najstikov. V osnovnih in srednjih šolah je poučevala filozofijo, logiko, kritično mišljenje in metode učenja.
Zaključila je študij filozofije, sociologije in književnosti ter pridobila specializacijo iz telesno orientirane psihoterapije s poudarkom na telesnih travmah iz zgodnjega otroštva. Ker je delo s travmo dolgotrajno in procesno, ter vključuje tudi delo z dušo, je Kaya v svoje delo vključila še šolanje v Movement Medicine, kot podporo pri utelešanju duše. Ti dve praksi nenehno bogatita tako Kayo kot njeno prakso in ustvarjata varno, bogato in ustvarjalno polje za njo in njene učence. Je v neprestanem stanju čudenja kako se Duh manifestira preko povezave v naših osebnostih.
Kaya redno poučuje Movement Medicine v obliki rednih mesečnih srečanj, vikend delavnic in ritualov, ki jih vodi.
LJUBLJANA, 4 April 2020
The power of Life is remarkable. It moves us, shapes us, it opens us up, flows through us, with us and helps us shine in all directions. It is the strongest current that exists within us. When we are aligned with it, it feels extraordinary – we are true to our nature, to our hearts and follow our own path. And often it helps us to remove the obstacles that stand in our way. That force is available for every one of us to connect to it, to let it nourish us and resource our everyday life.
In this Movement Medicine ceremony we will get into our dance to connect to the Life Force within us. Through different Movement Medicine practices we will connect with that which supports us in order to tap into the energy that is ready to be unlocked and claimed within us. We will connect to our body, heart and mind and call our soul to land a bit more in this world. We will also dance for guidance for our next steps.
No prior experience is needed, this dance ceremony is open for everyone willing to dance. Also dancing Movement Medicine does not require any certain belief. The most important thing is your direct experience and the meaning you choose to give to it.
About Movement Medicine:
MOVEMENT MEDICINE is a dance practice based on different centuries old shaman traditions within a contemporary context. Through the direct experience and releasing of the body to the rhythm and the natural movement, we are opening a space for expression within ourselves in our true nature. That way, we meet what is alive, real and iconic within ourselves. The Movement Medicine practice opens the space of the ancient knowledge which can serve us today in the contemporary world and support us in bringing ourselves more honest, true and alive in this world.
About Kaya:
Kaya works as an integrative body-oriented psychotherapist and Movement Medicine teacher in Center Meleta, Zagreb, Croatia. Together with her 3 friends and colleagues, they founded the center in 2013. Kaya has been working individually and in groups with adults and adolescents for many years and has been practicing body-oriented psychotherapy for over a decade. She has also worked in primary and high schools teaching philosophy, logic, critical thinking and learning techniques.
During her studies in philosophy, sociology and literature, she finished the training and PhD. in body-oriented psychotherapy focusing on the effects of the early childhood trauma in the body. As this type of therapy is based on the process work and presence of the soul in the body, training in Movement Medicine was another step on her journey of supporting the embodiment of the soul. These two practices are continuously enriching both her and her offering and create a safe, rich and creative field for her students. She is continuously amazed with how the Spirit manifests through the wiring of our personalities. Kaya also teaches Movement Medicine regularly- as monthly classes, weekend workshops and ceremonies. Fb page: No prior experience is needed. We dance in comfortable clothes, barefoot or with socks which do not slide, and a bottle of water. In case there will not be adequate number of registrations, the workshop will be cancelled and we will return the payment.
Date: 4 April 2020, from 17.00-21.30
Venue: Športna dvorana Medvode, Ostrovrharjeva ulica 4, 1215 Medvode
Price: 40 eur, early booking price 35 eur if booked and paid till 15.3.2020