(CRO below)
ONLINE Movement Medicine ceremony
Sunday January 23.2022.
5-6.30 pm Central European Time / 4-5.30pm UK time
with: Kaya Tamara Sertic
Unbroken. Alive. Healthy. Whole. Full. Lively. Sassy. Dedicated. Shiny. Courageous. Soft and tender. Firm and direct. This place within us, the life force within has thousands of shapes and forms. It is often so powerful that our body and our heart are afraid to let it come through and surrender to it. We are used to living within the edges of our patterns, known ways of being and contractions, subconscious or conscious limitations made by fear of past experiences. Often we don't even know what or how, but we feel we can live with much more presence, more quality to our life, more fulfilment. I trust that we can.
I trust that to go there we need to expand to the spaces within ourselves and around us which already are whole, centered, healthy, and to open up into them as our resource - the resource of the Unbroken which exists within every one of us and around us - and often the Nature is our reminder... Once we do that we can get the experience of something greater than how we live. We can get direction, resources and ground for we wish to call in our lives. We can get a reminder of who we truly are and a kick in the ass to let go the images of the self or life that do not serve us, to shake it out, to empty out past experiences and fill ourselves with the health of the Unbroken.
On this ceremony, we will be focusing on the road towards that place within every one of us, the place that we in Movement Medicine call the Unbroken. We will be focusing on weaving that part in our lives and in our relationshps. As always, your personal intention is welcome.
Prior experience is not needed, but you do need a desire to dance, a private space and stable wifi. But even that, with everything else, we can surrender to Great Spirit.
Looking forward seeing you soon!
Price: 100kn / 15€
If you are not in a position to pay a full price, there is a “pay what you can” option,
Application needed. You can apply through the Application Form on this link:
After filling out the application you will receive payment info on your email. After the payment an email with ZOOM link and guidenlines will be sent to you.
If you have any other questions, please be in touch.
ONLINE Movement Medicine ceremonija
NEDJELJA, 23.1.2022.
vodi: Kaya Tamara Sertic
Neslomljeno. Živo. Zdravo. Cjelovito. Cijelo. Žilavo. Prkosno. Predano Sjajno. Hrabro. Nježno i meko. Čvrsto i prodorno. Ovo mjesto u nama, životna sila. ima tisuće oblika, a toliko je snažna da se naše tijelo, a i naše srce boje propustit ju kroz sebe, prepustit joj se. Navikli smo na život u granicama, obrascima, poznatim kontrakcijama, podsvjesnim ili svjestim ograničenjima zbog straha i prošlih iskustava. Često ni ne znamo što i kako, ali osjećamo da možemo više, drugčije, da možemo živjeti još kvalitetnije, prisutnije i zadovoljnije. I vjerujem da možemo. Vjrujem da je na putu tome potrebno proširiti se u prostore u nama samima i izcan nas gdje sve već je dobro, zdravo, čitavo, otvoriti se u prosore resursa, Neslomljenog koje postoji u svakome od nas i oko nas - a3 priroda je često direktan podsjetnik.. I tada, tada možeo dobiit iskustvo nečeg većeg od onog kako živimo. Možemo dobiti smjer, resurse i bazu za ono što zovemo. Možemo dobiit podsjetnik na ono šfo stvarno jesmo i dobiti kick in the ass da otpustimo slike o sebi i životu koje nam više ne služe, da istresemo i ispraznimo iz tijela stara životna iskustva i napunimo se zdravljem - zdravljem Neslomljenog.
Na ovoj ceremoniji fokusirat ćemo se na otvaranje puta prema tom mjestu u svakome od nas, na povezivanje sa resursom onog što u Movement Medicineu zovemo UNBROKEN, i na dovođenje tog dijela nas da se utka u svaku nit našeg života. Vaša vlastita namjera, kao i uvijek, je dobrodošla.
Prijašnje iskustvo nije potrebno, ali je potrebna želja za plesom, privatni prostor i stabilna net veza. Ali i to, zajedno sa svim ostalim, možemo prepustiti Velikom Duhu.
Vidimo se uskoro!
Cijena: 100kn
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Vidimo se uskoro!