Jungle Chronicles #0: PREPARATIONS

Even though I have been travelling to other continents on many occasions, this time getting ready to go was more difficult than ever. 

I am aware as I am writing these words that most of the thoughts and feelings I’ve been having the last few days belong to the realm of first world problems. I am also aware that I'm incredibly blessed to be going back to the Jungle. And at the same time, I am also aware that the older I am, the more beauty I experience in my life, and the more sadness I witness in this world, I understand more and more how precious life is - how incredibly strong, but incredibly fragile it is, and how it can all be changed in the matter of seconds.  

So this time I left home with tears in my eyes. Dropping my dog off a week ago at the most beautiful dog care with my family, seeing my mom, her man, spending time in the days that followed with my close friends and my incredible family, bringing this winter break to the end and gathering all that I need, so that a day before I could start packing. 

Getting ready for three different climates, three different strong prayers, really is not easy as it may seem. It still belongs to a first world problem, but it can for sure ignite the neurons to work at high speed non stop. And as much as we can get ready, we can never be prepared for what is coming - because outside of the mosquito nets, camping mats, clothes that can dry quickly, notebooks and pens etc. we actually really don’t know. 

Jungle changes you. It awakens you to the core of who you are in the scope you are ready to be. Setting your intention to go there, making that decision, starts shaking the ground beneath your feet and slowly reveals spotlights of your life that may have been outdated - or that are ready to be looked at and engaged with.  

In my case I am  walking down the memory lane revisiting old stories, cleaning, digesting, finding gold and closing what is needed. My dream world becomes more vivid, my spirit already rushes to the places awaiting me in the forest every time my eyes are closed, and I am trying to pull myself back to stay present where I am as much as I can. 

And as I am doing that, what I am seeing around me is so much beauty - so much to be grateful for - from the beautiful wintering down time I had last couple of weeks at home, my nourishing gorgeous space, mind blowing people around me, truly incredible humans, warriors, living with their hearts and courage and integrity - my family, friends, teachers, colleagues, fridge full with the healthiest food, time to practice, time to train, to dance, time to rest and enjoy, time to be creative, having safety and warmth and one million reasons to smile every day. And trying hard not to try to hold on to it all, but to be with knowing that everything will pass. 

Jungle does that to us, reminds us of the laws of nature, of the passing of time and shifts the focus on what is relevant. Ah, I can smell the land and the rivers connecting with the waters around me, making the bridge for my travel and this space in between. 

I only hope and pray that we all stay safe wherever we are, keep being healthy and vibrant, doing what we do at whatever corner of the world we are. 

So, once again, leaving, with heart full, and cracked open, leaving the family at home only to reunite with family on the other side of the world. At the same time, I am aware that we cannot make these steps - these prayers - alone. I cannot make it without my loved ones being with me and supporting me every step of the way. 

We can only make it if we lean into that web of support - visible and invisible, and appreciate it every step of the way. 



Jungle Chronicles #1: IN BETWEEN WORLDS
