On ‘seeing’

It would be amazing if we could all see the beauty that surrounds us all the time. It would be magnificent. But that’s not the case.


No matter where each one of us stands on the scale of possibilities ‘to see’, being blind is a part of human condition – as far as I understand it.

For me seeing is being willing to go straight into my heart. To be willing to see uncompromising and unflattering truth of my shadows. It is the disciplined practice of being present with myself, of getting to know myself, of following the currents within me with the courage that they will take me where I need to get. It is giving up on the ideas of myself and allowing the greater force to show me the parts of me I may not wish to see, whether ‘good’ or ‘bad’.

Seeing is not something on the outside. It is an inward journey which asks for everything that you have and then a bit more.

Seeing is not a place to get, but a bus stop on the way. A bus stop that asks for an expensive ticket to get on the ride, but does not cover travel insurance.


For sure, the ride can be amazing, but it’s up to each one of us whether we’re gonna focus on the beautiful mountain at the back, the bumps on the road, the dirt on the window through which we’re looking out or the butterfly flying in through that same window.

For sure, the ride can be amazing, but it’s up to us to decide whether it’s a one time journey, or we wanna hop on that bus as often as we can.

It’s a two way ride. You cannot see the beauty if you do not want to see the shadow. For sure, the ride can be amazing, but it’s up to us to decide what to do with what we have seen – do we ignore, try to forget what we don’t like about it or work our asses off to manifest the beauty we have witnessed and to bring light to the shadow.

For sure, the ride can be amazing, but at the end of the day, it’s just a ride through just one scenery and we are just one person with our point of view. Hopefully, that point of view will be already a bit different tomorrow.

And last, but the most important – for me seeing is the awareness of a friend next to me that’s having a hard time. It is the acts of kindness on your worst day. It is paying attention to the little things that you can do everyday. And it is the knowledge in yourself that those are the things really matter.


Love more.


On changing tracks