Thursday Night Rebellion: STOP WASTING MY TIME
Neon flashing signs up in my face on the street, please stop wasting my time.
Cookies policies, no I do not want to accept, stop wasting my time.
Incredibly kind lady who works for a big company, no, it’s not you, it’s the firm’s policy that makes you ask me every time ‘would you like to buy this product, it’s on sale?’ instead of ‘how are you’, not you, but your company, please stop wasting my precious time.
Operators calling on the phone for a new deal, I will not even start with you. Stop wasting my time.
Enormously ridiculous amount of wrapping of the products, I will avoid you whenever I can, but you’re like a thorn that keeps on coming to the surface more and more whenever I think I’m done. Stop wasting my time.
Customer support, yes you, you whose intrinsic value is in being there, where the fuck can I find the number to reach you when I really need you? (Stop wasting my time.)
Machines in supermarkets instead of the living human beings, I’ve put down my items, not my problem you’re not sensitive enough to feel it. Card not accepted? My bills not good enough for ya? Want me to try again one more time? Stop wasting my time.
No sugar labels on groceries? You’re kidding. You’re probably one of my favorites. Corn sugar, dextrose, erythritol, maltitol, E959, sucralose, xylitol, aspartame, maltodextrin, just to name the few, stop. Wasting. my. time.
Numbers of cases instead of people, you know what I mean, don’t make me say it, fear instead of support, regulation instead of creation, opinions presented as information, numbing over inspiration – STOP WASTING MY TIME.
Laws that make me print out receipts when every other fucking thing is being digitalized, including when I bleed, please stop wasting my time. And please stop wasting our beautiful planet.
Ah, and this has now got me going; recycling. Recycling. Recycling. Requests separate stuff to bring other stuff together, going through the whole charade of ‘following’ what’s ‘right’, to look ‘good’ to foreign investors only to have it all ending at same freaking place? Cannot deal with you right now. But will continue to recycle. Not for you, though, but for Life itself. Stop wasting my time.
And when I’m on the topic of trash, here’s a good one, trashing other people, for whatever reason, who they are, what they do, how they walk and talk, ah, please stop wasting my time.
Endless bureaucracy, endless protocols, you beautiful queens of post-socialist legacies, coming my way whenever I want to do anything, anything at all, please stop wasting time. And yes, I know you can’t do much with what I ask for, but yes, of course, I will fill out the form.
Social construct for the sake of the construct for the social losing its society constructing the call and response of false and look away and fake and look away and empty and become numb.
It’d be easy to think. That. Maybe
It’s not us. Maybe. It’s the system. Yeah, right.
Thank you, that’s enough. Over and out.